
Saturday, November 8, 2008

More leaves!

First, Happy Birthday Kristi! I don't want to think about how OLD you are because of how old that makes your Mom and Uncle Larry! I hope you are feeling better soon.

It's Saturday so it's leaf day! Larry went out and helped me today, he raked leaves away from the house, all the places I can't get to with the mower, and helped me empty the bag and dump the leaves. It really helps to have someone out there with me and he didn't get too tired out by it. Finished the backyard and will do the front tomorrow, it doesn't have as many leaves and isn't is large so I should finish pretty fast, even if I don't have help. Football after all! I've nearly finished cleaning the kitchen, I know why I always start with the kitchen now, I'm so sick of cleaning at this point and there's still a bit to do. It looks so nice, to see all my glass sparkling. Who am I kidding, it's nice to see the countertops! Hope to finish up in there tomorrow. Life gets interesting on Monday. I finished one denim bag today, I have three ready more to go. I have six after that needing to be sewn together. I'd like to use them next grocery day, but mostly I want them off my to do list.

Mostly, the same ol same ol. Glad to no longer hear about the election, am already tired of hearing about the transition. Most days I just don't listen.

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