
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A good day

The trailer's home! After two months at the dealership we got it back this morning all ready for winter and all fixed. I'm glad to get things back to normal, plus the backyard just looked wrong without it.

The new dryer was delivered this morning as well, we finally gave up and bought a new one. It is very quiet and very BIG.

Now all that's left is the mower. At least in terms of things needing fixed or replaced. I hope that's the end of it anyway. We're expecting one or both of the frigs to go in the next year but that is for another day.

Larry had a CT scan tonight, we won't have any results until Monday. When he's back in the hospital. We can only hope the chemo is working, if it isn't they will change meds and begin again.

Tomorrow will be a very full day for me, I try to do alot of the Thanksgiving cooking before hand and I have tables to set up, etc, etc. Wishing everyone a happy Thanksgiving. Just be grateful for all those irreplaceable things/people in your life!

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