
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My attempt at blogging

I decided to begin this blog to save repeating the same information 20 different times! Be patient with me! I will use this post to keep everyone updated on Larry's treatment, our adventures, and my thoughts. And so I begin...

Larry will have a "port" put in next Wednesday afternoon, he's actually excited at the prospect as he abhors needles and this makes IV's obsolete! Chemo starts on the 20th, four days in the hospital then two weeks at home and repeat. After the second series he has a CAT scan to see if the tumors are responding then two more etc. If everything goes by the good doctor's plan he'll be finished in late February or early March (I hope by his birthday on the 13th!) Just in time to meet our second grandchild, Brayden gets a brother or sister--both he and Larry are certain it's a girl.

I had another vision appointment today on the cataracts, the verdict of this doctor is to wait six months and look again. I have never liked this particular group of eye doctors but that's the one our insurance has a contract with so that's where I go, at least until I change insurance! Will have to have some new glasses anyway. I have my annual physical on Friday, no complaints but it's time, I need a flu shot and I have to take care of my health to take care of Larry.

We spent part of last weekend out in the trailer, our time at Truman Lake had to be cut short as Larry's drain became clogged and no matter what I tried I could not get it moving so home we came on Saturday. The Trailer went in the shop on Monday and after repairs are completed it will be winterized, no more weekends away for a few months. We're sad.

I picked up Brayden a Day care today as he was running a low grade fever and did not feel good, coughing etc. We had fun playing and we get to play again tomorrow as he can't go back to school for 24 hours. Hope he brings His trains!

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