
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Chemo, Day 2 Cycle 1

Well, Larry's into his second bag of chemo and has has his second push, so far without any major side effects, a little nausea treated with meds. His red blood count was down to 9 so they are watching that if it goes below 8 they will transfuse him. His leg had completely stopped draining when chemo started and there didn't seem to be any build up in the leg so we were hopeful that it was done, silly us, tonight he got up to change cds in his laptop and fluid went everywhere. I wasn' t there but he said the nurses were trying to get it under control. Wound care had put a soft latex cover on the opening this afternoon so he wouldn't have to have any tape but it won't hold much in the way of liquid, the mesh stocking didn't stay in place very well so I don't know what they ended up with. Ortho is mystified, so are we. Lucas and Beth took me out to dinner tonight which was very nice of them I always enjoy spending time with them and will Brayden, of course. I'm still coughing when I need allergy meds and even though I slept 10 hours last night I'm beat. It's off to bed for me.

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