
Sunday, August 30, 2020

Another week evaporated

One of my succulents is blooming!

It's a strange looking stem!
The plant below the large base is covered with tiny plants.
Last year it was a stem like the one holding up the flower.
I like succulents.
That said I don't have a good place for them in the house,
and many of them have died from too much water,
or to little sun, 
or overcrowding.
I don't plan to bring them inside this fall.  
Just the Christmas cacti  
and perhaps a few herbs.
I may change my mind and bring just this one in, 
First frost is a ways away yet.

I've done a little stitching this week.
This is the quilt known as "The Quilt that will not be finished"
It was finished and put on the bed about 9 months ago.

At our first Chookshed Quilting Bee Deena asked if anyone had ever found a mistake after the quilt was finished.
This is a mistake!
I only found it last month!
It is over the pillows and I don't plan to fix it!
Yes, I have found mistakes after something is quilted!
(If you can't see the mistake look at the white design.)

Then because I kept tripping over the corners,
dragging on the floor,
I did this

Took some off the corners.
You would think this wouldn't be such a big deal,
it took several afternoons.

I've also make a couple of nine patches for the hand pieced Civil War Sampler I've been working on for a long time.
a couple of hexie flowers.

Then there was much stitching on Izzy's stocking.
I'll post an updated photo of it on the 1st.

Not a bad week altogether.



Sunday, August 23, 2020

Learning Curve

This new blogger format is going to be a learning curve!  
I can't even remember where to find the NEW POST link from one week to the next!
I did find the place to make the photos smaller, yeah me.
Apple updated my operating system 
and now Picasa doesn't work.
I apologize for the photos this is the best I could do in Apple photos.

We've had another week of lovely weather,
more like September than August.
That is changing this week as we hit the 90F mark again.

I finished all the RSC blocks 

And caught up the blue.

I've been a bit lost as to what I should do now,
so I took a couple of days off 
from the studio and just read.
One of the blessings that have come to me from THE VIRUS
is that feeling of freedom from should dos.
Now, I'm getting back with it again.
Although, I do want to leave the should dos in my rear view mirror!

Sunday, August 16, 2020

The week in stitches

Yesterday afternoon and evening there was another ZOOM chat with Chookyblue and friends!
At the last one we were talking about how old some of our UFO's are 
and I said I had this one from 1993.
Chooky said I had to have it finished by the next chat!
I thought it'd be a month or so 
she had a birthday!
When she set it up I thought
"I can get that finished by Saturday."
So, I took off the borders that needed hand quilting and that was never going to be done,
And bound it!
Then during the chat I sewed the binding down.
It is finished!
I can't ever write Missouri Puzzle on my list of quilts to finish!
none of my other UFO'S
are as close to being finished as this one!

In other stitching-

    I finished the purple Hashtags.

And the big block for RSC.
Purple isn't one of my favorite colors,
and a couple of years ago I made two pink and purple quilts
and used up most of what I had in my stash.
It's a very popular color with the Grands though,
so I have purchased some more.
The colors don't show up here,
it's too dark in the studio.
Only the flip flop blocks left and those will finish up in a day or two.

I've also made more progress on Izzie's stocking,
I'm only going to take photos of it once a month,
you would get very tired of seeing the slow progress made!

Otherwise, It's been hot and humid.
I've been down in the studio more,
tidying up a bit
(Need to do a Great deal more of that)
THE VIRUS continues to affect more people, 
it seems that nothing can be done.
I am still practicing being a hermit,
I've found a peacefulness to it.
My mind has calmed down
and my life rhythm has settled into something I quite like.
Still wish I could see the family,
the Rocky Mountains,
and anyplace that isn't here!

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Sunday Check in

Wow, this is weird! 
I thought I'd already switched over to the new Blogger but this is way different.

On to my life.
This past week there was a lovely break in the heat.
In fact, 
there were two mornings where I wore a sweatshirt 
when I went out for coffee in the morning!
It was so nice that I spent one afternoon sitting on my patio reading.
I knew the hot was coming back 
so I just enjoyed the cool.
I didn't feel guilty at all!
The heat is back now,
I only had one cup of coffee outside this morning before the sun got me, sigh
There have been heat advisories for the past two days
I've spent most of the time in the studio.
I wish I could say that I accomplished amazing things 
I didn't
I worked on the blue flipflop blocks (above) 
got them to the four patch stage
and the trimming up.
I hate that part but it does make things go together 
much better.
I also got the purple hash tags worked on.
This is step two.
It would go so much faster if I just NOTICED when I was out of bobbin!
BEFORE I stitched so many.
Well, I thought I was stitching.

I also took the first stitches in Izzie's stocking.
They don't show up too well, white.
I have done a bit more since then.
I quit tonight when I realized I had a bit
to pick out.

some housekeeping
and then I'll head down to the studio again.
I'd really like to get all the leftover blue finished.
Really, I'd like to have all the RSC finished so
I could work on something else.
Only two more months
Red and Yellow.
I'm thinking of working ahead there.
I'm quite bored with these blocks and would like to do something else.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Finished "Big Blocks" for July
I really did not do well on the "I plan to do list" in July.
So bad that I only finished THREE things!
I have to say that the first two weeks I was very low,
feeling depressed by THE VIRUS, 
and the political scene in the US.
I finally came out of it when I just said enough-
it is what it is and you just have to deal.
So now I'm not stressing about much of anything.
The three finishes -
the blue Hashtag blocks-34 I think
what can I say, I have a LOT of blue.
then the big blocks above
I finished Ryan's stocking completely
Friday evening while chatting with Chookyblue and 
Company via Zoom.
(These chats are so much fun!)
I also had this "tea" meal explained 
What a bacon sandwich is.
We are definitely people separated by the same language sometimes.
I did organize the refrigerator 
and make new ironing board covers 
they were not on the list!

We've had a week of RAIN-much needed-
much cooler weather 
67F/19C this morning when I drank my coffee on the patio.
It won't last,
in fact it's to hit 90F/32C by next weekend.
Another 6-8 weeks of heat, sigh.

I have a very ambitious "I want to do" list for August,
we'll see how well I do.