
Saturday, January 25, 2020

Rainbow Scrap Challenge-2

I've been busy every day just sewing along.
I can't do much else at the moment as my knee requires RICE.
That's rest, ice, compression and elevation!

I'd finished the green hash tags so I got out the green strings
sewed them onto some paper. . .

And turned them into 24 of these.
I've been making these tumblers for a few years now,
like from 2016!
I noticed the tin I keep them in is nearly full,
there are no where near enough to make a quilt.

I was inspired by this quilt:

Which I saw in Golden, Colorado at a Quilt show back in 2015!

I also got out some log cabins which I began about the same time.
The ones I'm working on happen to be green.
I'm trying to make 5 every day so at the end of the week I have 35 more.
They only measure 6 inches so it will take A LOT to make a quilt

I really got into the spirit of getting out OLD stuff to work on!
This is the next to the last block of a First Saturday Club quilt from 2006!
I'm hand piecing it and I have no earthly idea why it hasn't been done before this!

I'm going to try to link over at So Scrappy!

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Rainbow Scrap Challenge-Green

Once again I'm going to attempt to sew along with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.
Last year I began this hash tag quilt but only got 2 blocks made.
They are yellow.
This months color is bright and light green so I made these.
I have two more pieces to cut and then there will be 10 in total.

I'm also making four patches from this pile of 1 1/2 inch squares.
When they are gone, I Have a bag of 2 inchers and a bag of 2 1/2 inchers to use up.
Really trying to get things used up and gone.

I finished this patch quilt for Kolby yesterday.
It replaces the one I made when he was 2- now he's nearly 11!
We collect patches in our travels as they make easy to pack mementos,
 then I sew them onto our quilts.
I did manage to use the stitch regulator on Bella the Bernina to sew on the patches.
It was somewhat easier, as I did not have to twist the entire quilt around.
I'm not good at the stitch regulator but I've had the machine nearly 4 years
 and this is the first time I've used it.
I had to look up a youtube video for instructions.

I'm currently quilting these leftover blocks from the "fuzzy" quilt.
This one won't be bed sized.
If Brayden doesn't want it for a lap quilt then I'll probably donate it.

This is the beginning of Ryan's Christmas stocking.
The Nutcracker is made of candy pieces-although Ryan won't recognize them!
It has been going really well and I'm enjoying it.

I've been sewing a great deal since Christmas but I've been up to a few other things.

The house is naked.
All the Christmas decor is packed away again.
I've been working on my Family History.
Just getting more organized and documented is taking FOREVER!
I spent part of three days last week dealing with my knee.
It's the gift that keeps on giving.
Anyway, Doctor's offices, MRI's and blood work-all fun.  NOT!
Lastly, I've begun the process of moving the blog to Word Press.
I hope that will be done fairly quickly-I'll post a notices and link here when it's all set up and running.

Here's hoping I'm back to regular blogging soon!

Thursday, January 2, 2020


Today, I spent a few hours at the marvelous Midwest Genealogy Center well know for being one of the top libraries for research.  I spent the time on their computers nosing around on Ancestry, Find My Past and didn't find anything.  Working on brick walls is always frustrating, entertaining but frustrating.  I'm trying to decide if I want to spend the money for my own subscription.  The answer is still maybe but the 50% off sale is nearly over so I need to figure this out.

I began reading Frank Delaney's book Shannon this morning.  I love his books.  All taking place in Ireland, which as you know is one of my favorite places.  Anyway, I love this Author's note at the beginning (which kind of answers the question -"Why do genealogy?")  So I decided to share it with you.

"From Shannon by Frank Delaney

Author's Note
Much of our power comes from our past.  We have always drawn upon the ancient world for knowledge, for enlightenment, even for example.  Our philosophies, our political structures, our dramatic expressions have long been guided by the systems of old civilizations.  More narrowly, we also draw upon our own particular ancestries.  Why the tradition of family portraits?  How often do we tease apart the branches of the family tree---and grow more fascinated?

It seems not to matter much if that old family thread of ours is frail or poorly traceable or even if it fades into obscurity.  We need the spirit of our past more than we need the facts; we need the pride more than we need the proof.  And the more mobile we become, and the farther we travel from our point of origin, the more we seem to want to return.  That is, if the Irish example can be judged; to have come from Ireland, no matter how long ago, is to be of Ireland, in some part, forever.

Internationally, genealogical research has been one of the world's growing pastimes.  Within our origins we search for our anchors, our steadiness.  And everyone's journey to the past is different.  It might be found in a legend or in the lore of an ancestors courage or an inherited flair.  Or it might be found simply by standing on the earth once owned by the namesake tribe, touching the stone they carved, finding their spoor.  In all cases we are drawn to the places whence they came---because to grasp who they were may guide what we might become."

I find this very thought provoking.

Blessed Be

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Beginning 2020!

First, let me wish all of you a Happy New Year!

May bright blessings fill your lives in 2020.
It is my greatest hope that all who live in New South Wales Australia, are safe and not suffering too much from the wildfires.
 I know how much damage they do to homes and lives.

Next up a few family pics from over the holidays.
Rob and Tanya were up for Christmas from Nashville.   We enjoyed having them-it's been an adjustment for all of us having them move away.  They like their new home and both are working so its all good.

Left to right front:  Lucas, Brayden, and Bri.
In background:  Kolby and Ryan
Again left to right:  Lucas, Ethan and Kolby-Brayden in the background

Scott and Beth

Rob with Isabel

Tanya with Isabel

Somehow, Ryan missed being in more photos!
Also missing were Steve, Candice and Nora who were home in San Diego.
(I'd say they were enjoying the warmth except for two things-it was 65F here on Christmas and only Nora escaped the FLU, Steve had pneumonia!  All are much improved now.)
Everyone here was pleased with their gifts-me especially!
I got toolboxes!
How many women get excited about that?!

Then, we were all off to Columbia to celebrate the birthdays of Ryan (5) and Isabel (1).
All these December birthdays!  We now have FOUR!

While Rob and Tanya were here they helped me get the Microwave installed!
I was giddy.

Also in December, The Chiefs won their division in the NFL and get a bye in the first round of the playoffs!  
My neighborhood erupted in fireworks/gunshots in celebration.
I had dinner with my cousins, Phillip and Mary Beth which is always fun and something I'd like to do more often!

Well, enough for now.  I'm striving to get better about posting, wish me luck!