
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Crazy week!

This is a crazy week for me!
I mostly stay at home, especially in the evenings, working on projects and reading.
This week has only two evenings free!


First, on Sunday I watched this guy play soccer!
Such intensity.
Then he and I went to a Sporting Kansas City game-that's professional soccer!
Sporting KC wins a lot of games and won the game on Sunday against the LA Galaxy 2-1.
It was loud.
It was hot.
It was a bit boring what with all that ball passing going on!
I try and take each boy to something just for them-this was for Kolby.
I tell them that we will stay as long as they want and leave when they are ready.
These are long games-45 minute halves-and about 20 minutes before the end of the second half he said he was ready to go.
We went.
He's 8, I figured we'd leave early.
Parking, while free is across the road at the race track but they provide a free shuttle back and forth.
Leaving early meant we didn't have to wait for a shuttle!

Tuesday, Rob, Tanya and I went to the Kansas City Symphony after dinner.
The first time I'd been in the symphony hall at the Performing arts center and it is just as nice as the ballet hall.
An intimate setting for a performance of contemporary composers which we all enjoyed!
So much so that we're doing it again in 2018.

Today, I had my usual Wednesday volunteer day at the National Frontier Trails Center
followed by errands in Independence.
Joann's, Barnes and Noble and Costco.
Quinn was very glad to see me!

Tomorrow night I have photography class.
My homework is already done and printed!

Friday night Brayden and I are going to one of the final Royals games (baseball) of this season.
Unfortunately, there is no chance of us winning the pennant this time!
Last time he and I went they won the American League West-it was exciting.

In between all of that I've been quilting "H" -really do not like this quilt! 
And sewing on Brayden's Trip.


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Busy Bee here!

I'm taking a photography class at the Community College (Continuing Education)!
Expect more photos!
I have a nice (although older) Canon digital camera-think 35 mm style without film-which I've been using like a point and shoot!
While the photos are nice I decided I wanted to learn how to really use the camera.
The first class was all about light, ISO, Shutter speed and F stops-aperture. 
For the first time someone explained all that in a way I could understand.
Homework is 24 printed photos experimenting with light only.
I think I have 5 photos for each one I will have printed!
I consider my living room to be SO LIGHT-it took 5 attempts to even SEE anything in the photos!
I'm learning a lot but it will be an ongoing thing.

Besides Photos I have been sewing!
Doll clothes for Miss Nora's birthday next month.


Finished the top for Kolby's Trip Around the World!
That has to have batting and backing made and
Has to wait for

The "H" quilt to be out from under the needle!
(I don't have enough safety pins to sandwich it yet!-thought I had a million but this is a biggish quilt!)

I hope to have  "H" quilted by the first of next week.
Brayden's first Trip blocks are laid out-should get started on them tonight.

Added to that Quinn and I have been walking and I've been stretching and exercising, I'd like to say everyday but am happy with 5 out of 7!

I'm also back at the piano every day.

With my regular housework and the fact that the computer is now in the upstairs office I just haven't been blogging.
Now that I'm taking photos I'll try and do better!

Friday, September 1, 2017

Another Finish

Or mostly finished anyway!
This is my new dedicated office space.
My massive desk above-just great for spreading out the research.

Looking out from the desk-this old TV cabinet (ok not that old from the 1990's)
holds my printer and office supplies.

Also from behind the desk looking towards the hall and the closet.
The previous owners painted the doors to match the walls-ugh.
I haven't decided if I'll them using the cream on the walls or return them to white.
They also painted all the outlets (6) and switches (2) to match the walls-you really aren't supposed to do that!  They will be getting changed out.  I already have the replacements.
You'll notice the closet door is without a knob.
For some unknown and idiotic reason that door had a KEYED lock on it!
Somehow, in all the trips to bring seasonal boxes to that lovely walk in closet the inside lock got twisted and then I shut the door.
Yep, locked, no key.
After checking the internet and trying all the suggestions there I finally took the last-all else has failed  suggestion and used a hammer on it.
Replacing it will be simple I just have to go buy one.

I don't know any longer what to be the most upset about.
The way my country is falling apart,
The situation in Texas in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey,
or the fact that Montana is burning.

My heart hurts for the people of Texas-even the thought of losing everything is terrifying. Cleanup is beginning but it seems we didn't really learn anything from Katrina.

Montana is one of my favorite places on earth.
40 new fires began over the weekend.
Many of the places I visited last year now have serious, on-going fires with the associated smoke, highway closings and evacuations.
People have lost homes, livestock, fences, everything.
Glacier National Park lost a historic chalet,
The smoke is so bad you can't see the mountains.
Evacuations are everywhere.
The governor has called out the National Guard.
So far as I know ALL of these fires have been started by lightening.
It will take some serious snowfall to put them all out.

So Texas and Montana-two examples of the effect climate change has on the land.
But, wait, it doesn't exist!
To which I say Bullsh*t!