
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Cross-stitch update

Here's the promised update!  I almost went to bed without it--i'm so lazy sometimes!

 And now

I'd have been a bit further but I couldn't find the new bundle of thread I needed!  (It'a in this house somewhere!)  There are a lot of thread changes in these so it's pretty slow going.

Now, I'm going to bed!  I've been standing up at the cutting table dealing with the leftovers of fabric from various projects and cutting pieces for quilts in progress.  Working on a Bonnie Hunter design that needs 180-  4 patches with a finished size of 2 inches.  Do you know how long it takes to cut that many pairs?  I still have 50 to cut, sigh.

Raining again, as it has off and on all day.  This round is more of the downpour variety complete with thunder and lightening.  (Quinn  has been busy barking at the thunder -man I wish she'd get over that habit!)

Wow, it's October already!

I am a bad blogger!  It's been a whole month since I did a post, sigh.  It's not that I haven't been on the blog reading other peoples stuff I just haven't taken the time to write. I think Im boring.  That said prepare to bored some more.

In the Weight loss category:  I am sad to say I did not loose a single pound in September.  Okay, that's not completely correct--I lost the same three pounds several times!  I did lose inches though, so it wasn't a total wash.  It was a tough month for some reason, I'll do better this month.

In the knee category:  The nerve test results finally came in.  There is no pinched nerve anywhere.  Good news, I guess.  But, here's the kicker, the sural nerve (runs down the back of your leg close to the outside of your leg) is compromised.  It was damaged during the cyst removal surgery and it takes months to regenerate.  About 1 inch a month. It is much better, with still a ways to go.  In the meantime, the message from the brain to my foot doesn't get all the way through so I don't walk properly.  Can't walk properly.  That's what causes the pain from my knee to my hip (and the heel pain.)  Back on neurotin, to quiet things down.  And back on my BIKE!  Dr's orders!  Also continuing at the Chiropractor's as he is stimulating the nerve, which helps with the pain.

My cataracts are not (and maybe never will be) ready to come off.  Tried of that-as I can't see all that well.  Am headed to different Dr next year.  Also headed out to one of the eye places to get new computer glasses as I lost mine!

I have been sewing quite a bit since I got the studio set up.  I can't show much as most of the sewing is for gifts (and the folks read my blog!) Will post a photo of the studio after I clean it up!  I've made a pretty big mess!

I'll be back a bit later with this week's cross-stitch update!  That will make two posts in  one day!