
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Thoughts on Life. . .

Last week saw yet more evidence that humans can be insane towards one another.  In Boston, during a foot race.  Why did that seem to be a good terrorist event?

Then in Texas there was a fire, likely an accident, sigh.  There are of course many different kinds of accidents that can befall us-fall in the bath tub and drown, fall down the steps and break your neck.

Then there are natural disasters, earthquakes that shatter cities and the people within them (Christchurch will never be the same.)  Here in my part of the world there could be an earthquake-the New Madrid fault along the Mississippi River hasn't had even a minor adjustment since the 1950's-but more likely would be an F5 tornado like the one that hit Joplin.  If I lived a bit further to the west I would worry, a lot, about fires.  Then there are floods, hurricanes, blizzards. . .you get the idea.  Accidents and acts of nature while life changing are easier to understand.  We all pick up the pieces the best we can and go on, not really much choice.

Terrorism, wars, mass murder and man's general inhumanity to man are harder to accept.  I really believe with all my heart that humans are good, that all these horrible things are done by a tiny percentage of the total human population of earth.  Boston was created by two brothers, who knows why.  Sandy Hook by one guy having a pity party.  September 11, 2001 by a small group of religious fanatics.  There has been a lot of talk on Facebook about just this, great quotes from Ghandi and Mr Rogers (Love this one-"Look for the helpers, there will always be someone running to the trouble to help." Really true.) While I am saddened by such events I cannot let them rule my life for if I do then not only will I ruin my life but they will have Won.  To quote Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth of England "Keep calm and carry on."  That is the only choice I can make.

Terrorists should take note of the fact that the people of the United States DO NOT give up just because we are frightened, we just come back--stronger.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Another Sunday

This was a week I was glad to see go!  Last Sunday night and all day Monday it rained, 3.5 inches total, which we really need but you can imagine the mud a long-haired double coated sheltie collects!  It's depressing.  Also much cooler, we went from sleeping with the window open and the ceiling fan on to heat and an extra blanket!  On Tuesday morning I got up went into the garage to find something and FOUND a large puddle of water, ugh.  Call the plumber.  Both he and I are mystified.  The water did not come up through the floor drains as it had not come up in the laundry.  There are no cracks in the foundation (there) either the wall or the floor,  an inspection of the outside hose attachment shows dry dirt against the house, and none of the pipes are leaking.  It's raining again, I should go look.

Then Wednesday night as I was ironing, the iron just up and quit!  I've only had this one a year!  So on Thursday I bought a new one-a cheap one!  I've given up reading reviews or spending significant money on a new purchase.  Things don't last any more and price is no indication (nor reviews) that you are buying a quality item.

I've had revolving days of much accomplishment followed by not much at all, sigh.  Guess I should be happy to achieve anything at all!  The yard is cleaned up and the remaining leaves either bagged or really crunched up and spread along the fences in a likely futile attempt to keep Quinn out of the mud!  Not much stitching, though.

On a happy note!  Thursday was Grandparents Day at Kolby's school and that was fun!  He and I made a magnetic photo frame, ate cookies and read books together.  He said I was a good reader.

Tomorrow is Monday and that means I'm off to the Trails Museum to work in the library.  I'm currently processing a large collection and I find it quite entertaining to bring order to chaos.

Have a great week!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Signs of Spring!

 I 've been spending some time each day uncovering my flower gardens.  I don't know why it is that I rake and rake leaves every fall and then I rake leaves again in the spring!  That's a poser for another day!  Here are some signs of spring I found:
Some of these
Lots of these

Redbud tree getting close!
Tiny Primrose, I thought had died
Lenten Rose-This has been blooming since before the first snowstorm!
It's been totally covered by snow three times and it's still blooming madly!

These last two things are also signs of spring!  Yard bags full of leaves!  (It's is unlawful to dispose of yard waste in the landfill here.)

And these pretty yellow flowers-dandylions!  The bane of every lawn!

I still have a good bit of work out there and I think I'll have to have someone come out and treat the front lawn, fertilize etc.  It was just so damaged by last summer's heat and dryness, the weeds are more common than grass, sigh.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The X's are done!

I took the last of the little x's on Bri's stocking while watching "The Hunger Games" tonight!  I also began the outlining back stitching-one little bird is finished!  I hope to have this ready to sew into a stocking by the end of this month!

April is one of two extreme cleaning and gardening months!  I have my housework divided into groups:  daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and biannually.  April and October get them all!  Added to that is the yard cleanup from the winter and I will be a very busy girl!  I have discovered that my knee begins to ache about 2 in the afternoon, so I'll quit work on the big stuff, sit down, put my leg up and stitch.  I should get a bit more done each day that way.  I think the knee will improve as I go along, it's likely just the change in activity level.  On the other hand my volunteering at the school has ended and there are only a few more Wednesday "pick up Kolby and meet the bus" days left before school is out for the summer!  I am feeling less stressed!